Beauty, Life & Style

Thursday 12 January 2017

Ten things 2016 has taught me

Over 365 days ago I was starting my second semester of my first year at university. Needless to say that taking the leap to start, after being unsure of what I wanted to do in the first place, pushed me out of my comfort zone. So here's to a another year of pushing myself and taking leaps.

No.1 Diamonds are not made under pressure 

Yes, I'm talking about assignments/exams and possibly anything else under that bracket. Achievements are a reflection of hard work and time, you can't expect greatness if you don't put greatness in. 

No.2 People won't always agree with you

Not everyone you meet is going to have the same opinion as you - and that's okay. Each to their own. 

No.3 Let go of negative relationships

Whether it's friends/family/boyfriend or girlfriend, if they're causing a negative impact then you need to let them go. Obviously that's easier said than done but it will impact your own positivity and happiness. Friends drift apart when they go to university or start new jobs in different parts of the world. It's not going to be the same as school when you see them every day. Hold on the ones you cherish and make time for them.

No.4 Life is too short to care about how other people might perceive you 

One thing that I've really learnt to own is not giving a crap about what other people might think of you or about their judgements.

No.5 Step out of your comfort zone

Some of my best experiences of 2016 have happened because I stepped out of my comfort zone and just went for it. I wouldn't have it any other way and it's allowed me to grow as a person. Something that I've truly learnt to respect this year is self growth. Never stop yourself from learning and developing.

No.6 Water is your BFF

Water is amazing for hydration, losing weight and flushing out toxins/ex's by drowning them. Drink up.

No.7 Getting into freshly changed bed linen is one of the greatest feelings ever

I mean, it's just the best thing ever - end of.

No.8 Self doubt kills more dreams than never trying does

Self doubt is a killer of dreams. If there's something you want to achieve, the only person standing in your way is yourself.

No.9 Self care is important

Always leave time for yourself. You need sleep and rest for your body to recover. It's okay to stay at home with a hot chocolate, cosy pjs and a date for one with Netflix. Respect your own body, you don't need to work 24/7, everyone needs down time.

No.10 Be kind - always

Everybody is going through their own problems. Everyone is fighting a battle with their own demons. Just because someone appears fine on the surface doesn't mean they actually are, so be kind - always.

So here's to another year of challenges and opportunities. 2017 I welcome you with open arms.

Til next time x 

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